Most of us have learnt the old saying “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” sooner or later.  But at present we are talking about the reverse action on this.

There are a lot about the benefits of being an early riser, but no one tells about the disadvantages of getting up early.

Still there is another old saying that ’the early bird catches the worm’. Here are a few reasons why that might be a good idea.

1. Exhaustion

If you get up early to be at work first before others, you may become so exhausted and tired throughout the day. Especially, if there is no previous routine to get up early. Getting up early means that you start working earlier during the day and you might nap late in the afternoon. This can force you sleep sooner during the night and you may not enjoy the activities of time after evening as it hard for you to get to sleep later that night.

 2. Sleep Deficiency

This is related with the kind of job you have. If your work routine allows you tend to stay up comparatively late, and you still get up early the next morning to keep working, this may harm your health and you may be the victim of sleep deficiency.

Human’s brains, work well after taking a sound sleep. The people who lack sleep don’t function well, as they can’t engage information that much because their brains are tired from staying up late at night and waking up again at dawn. 

3. Health Danger

In addition to the side effects of sleep deficiency it has also been found you’re your health will be in danger by getting up and rising up to work early.  More Sleep each night can reduce stress levels. The people who get up to early may have higher levels of stress hormones throughout the day than those persons who sleep a little longer.

4. Less Mingling

Getting up early for work means you also need to go to bed early to ensure you do not deprive yourself of sleep. There are some adverse consequences too. Firstly, you cut down your extra time. Ultimately, you become less mingling with others and less sociable, especially with your work mates.

5. Going Against body’s internal clock

Every human being is different that is why our body’s internal clock works well when we work our best. If you have firm intention to start getting up and going to work early but are persistently finding it a fight you should perhaps take a step back and be aware of your body.

So it is up to you if getting to work early doesn’t make you the most productive then maybe you shouldn’t carry on the routine. If you do, you need to end up with some of the body’s internal clock issues mentioned above.

6. Too Much Expectations

Always getting to work early can also increase expectations from you too much.     Your colleagues and employer may take you as a pushover and begin taking you for granted. Finally, you seem like a pushover. Too much expectations from you can have a bad effect on your mood and self-esteem.

7. A Bad Impression

Being early always may give people the bad impression of you. Your colleagues and employer may think you work too hard and can never switch off. As people think you are always serious, they will hesitate you inviting to work events. Eventually, you are to get alienated. However, it does not fit for all as being early to work also shows commitment to work and good work ethics.


You must keep in mind that everyone is different. While being an early riser may suit you maybe it doesn’t suit others routine and mood. Maybe you are in the different category and require as much sleep as possible to function your body well enough. You can take your own choice but ensure respecting other’s ego as well. The best routine is to try out both getting up early and sleeping in to turn yourself more productive. By getting up so early you keep yourself beyond your natural rhythm and you interfere your master clock, summing up the topic, you need to listen your natural clock and act as the need may be.


#Disadvantages #gettingup_early #Exhaustion #Sleep Deficiency #Health Danger #Less Mingling #internalclock #Expectations #Bad_Impression #laterising #morning #sleephappy #goodmorning #freshmorning #havefun #happy #happymoment