From laymen to professionals, officials to officers, the ability to stay calm in various tough situations can clarify the difference between success and failure. To explore this topic, you need to know more about “How Successful People Stay Calm”. It is the quality of successful people that thy stay cool even under pressure?

We should be more positive, more joyous and more pleasant people with the passage of our age; would you not agree? Sure, you would love, then it is time to look at and understand these the tips that successful people use to remain calm in stressful situations.



1.     They use power of positivity.

Power of positivity is just the act of positive thinking. Remember, when you are to take out air from a bottle, then you fill it with water. This will force the air automatically come out. Same is the case with negative thought and the positive thought, when you use the power of positivity, the negativity automatically disappears. No doubt, difficulties arrive in your life occasionally, but positive thinking enables you to face the situation, and remain normal.

“People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong. Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom? Thich Nhat Hanh

2.     They have a schedule.

Successful people have a schedule instead of being idle or much engaged in a sudden situation. If you have a set schedule, then you will not need to rush catching up your tasks and not face the situation of hustle and bustle. If you plan a couple of days, weeks or even months, you will realize that how much plenty of time you have to work on and then get the things done accordingly.

3.      They need not want anything.

They know the difference between the need of the things and not just take thing when they want them.  last thing you need when you have a lot on your plate is too much caffeine in your system. Caffeine will only further stimulate the areas of your brain that are causing you to feel overwhelmed in the first place. Opt for water instead.

4.     They take a conscious breath.

All that you need to focus on your body and then take a deep, conscious breath in, then allow the same going through your mouth, calmly and slowly. It will create a sense of relaxation that begins in your diaphragm and floats out through your being to the surface of your skin.

5.     They make fun.

You might have seen many people even making jokes although they might be in the stressful situation. It doesn’t mean that they don’t feel fear; but they manage it through sense of humor because the laughter releases hormones that calm you down and allow you to be in control and even to promote the social bonding.

6.      They identify the reason  

As the stress may be caused by a mental condition, a physical condition, the effects of drugs, or a combination of these. To identify the point which is making you feel stressed out is the initial step in overcoming those feelings. But be able to identify the reason for stress enables you to know its weaknesses are and use your strengths which are useful in any given situation. Just like, if someone is afraid of loneliness, he/she may change the location. 

7.      They change the situation. 

Once you are aware about the importance of changing the situation, your perspective on a difficult situation will be different one. Grip new ways of thinking and view problems from all aspects. You may realize that once the situation is changed, the stress remains no more.  

8.     They freeze themselves.

You might have the game in which a child when playing suddenly stopped mid-motion, like frozen in ice? You can practice that now to deal with the stress. Once you halt your body parts, emotions, and thought processes, you will be able to release the stress.  


9.     They mentally prepare.

Before a particular happening is there, successful people prepare their brains to remain calm to face the pressure. It doesn’t mean that you are always ready to face the sudden stress but it means that you encourage yourself for facing the occasional stressful situations. 

10. They get some sleep.

Stress impact your life in various ways, including negatively affecting the quality of your sleep. That is why you can get some sleep to reduce stress and anxiety.  You may have deadlines to meet and people to impress but it doesn’t mean to sacrifice sleep.  A tired mind can’t think clearly and thus can’t even stay calm when you are living in a mental fog. We can just learn and adapt as when we are rested.


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