What is Personality?

We all possess specific personality traits that distinguish us apart from the rest. A mixture of decent and bad, these traits enable us how we respond to happenings and deal with people. Although the most common belief is that these traits remain constant but studies show otherwise! As we can change our typically pattern of thinking, feeling, acting, and communicating and the same are ways to make your personality vibrant.

We can break down a good personality into traits. We should work on developing these traits and consequently, we will have a better personality. Everyone wants this sooner or later.

Here are 12 tips that will improve your personality and make your more vibrant if you remain consistent on them.

1. Recognize that you are incomparable:

Do not comparing yourself with others as it will bring your self-esteem down.  That does not let your strengths improve. Know the fact that you and other persons are unique and just incomparable.

2. Be an active listener: you should work on your active listening skills. Communication and listening both are skills when you listen some body, you must be so engaged that other person feel your whole body is listening. Never use a phone when listening to others and must make direct eye contact.

3.Be kind to yourself

To be kind to others is good thing but the pity is that many of us fail to be kind to ourselves. Self-compassion enables positive traits such as wisdom, happiness, optimism, extroversion, and positivism.  and resilience. According to Emma Seppala, research psychologist at Stanford University, self-compassion involves three steps:

·         “Recognize that you deserve care and concern like anyone else and that is why you must be kind and understanding with oneself.

·         Recognize that making mistakes and failing is part of life. So, do not be hard on yourself when you commit a mistake or fail and indulge in self-critical thoughts.

·         Be aware of one’s emotions and feelings.”


4. Be more interesting:  You can become more interesting by engaging and continuously seeking out education and information, tying innovative things, the more stuff you do or the more things you do new, all your actions give you newer information which will enable you to be more interesting for other peoples to communicate with.


5.Be spontaneous: Spontaneity enables you to be fun around. But at the same time, do not confuse being spontaneous with being impulsive. So, keep in mind how do you be exactly spontaneous? By being fully aware in the present situation.


6. Be optimistic in life: Most people often talk about negative things but for improving your personality you should talk about positive things and look at things differently. As an optimistic person thinks the best possible thing will happen, and hopes for it even if it's not likely. Simply looking at the things positively will improve your personality.


7. Remain enthusiastic:

Enthusiasm is defined as a lively interest for someone or something. Being enthusiastic means showing interest in the things that you do and getting pleasure from them. Enthusiasm is catching and tempting. That is why everyone loves kids. Although there may be some adverse situations in life but one must never give up their enthusiasm. Being enthusiastic keeps you warm and your personality is boosted.


8. Encouraging and support others: when you encourage and support someone, in return people raise you up with positive energy. On the other hand, desperate and un-supportive have negative effects on their personality.


9. Respect others: Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners and manners improve your personality. Also, respect is one of the greatest expressions of love for others. Don't talk about people, make fun of other people, and gossip for nothing.

10. Be warm and open-minded

We all like the persons with whom we can easily mingle and talk to. No one likes an individual who responds with a down face. Therefore, manage to be warm. Make it your habit to smile more often. Be friendly and be ready to share and help. (I am so firm in this point that the name of company is The Helping Hand”)

11. Stay calm: Being calm strengthens one’s personality. Although, staying calm can be tough when you have a dreadful headache and have a crucial deadline to meet. In such circumstances, use the power of breath. This awareness will diminish your stress. Calmness becomes part of life with the passage of life, it takes time to be cool minded, so you should continue your efforts for being calm even in difficult situations.

12. Do things daily to facilitate your confidence:

If you like what you see looking back into your past and know you bring value to the world, this confidence will convert into happiness in your life and strengthen your personality.


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