Positive Points to remember while recording a Video for YouTube

1.     Focus into the Camera: Do look at the screen, Look into the camera Lens

2.     Smile: Do smile, use a calm body language and slow down when you speak.

3.     Mirror Image: Turn off the minutes screening otherwise the face will be strange in video (check this in camera setting and if not found in camera setting then do it during editing the video. This option is called Flip <____>Before uploading the video if it is made by Selfi/ front camera, then turn on the Flip option (otherwise view of face will not be good)

4.     Tags: use tags by tag generator, use the trending and powerful tag which will ultimately increase your traffic

5.     Cool Mind: Don’t start recording the video just after taking the meal an on the other hand you should neither be hungry at the time of recording. Just take light food so that your do not face the respiratory problem. While recording the video you should

6.     Proper Lighting: Never use the white light during recording the video, instead use light dim yellow light which will create a professional look to the video.

7.     Energy Level: Maintain a proper energy level during the video recording and particularly in the beginning there must an energetic startup with a suitable sound pitch. Do not lose your energy, instead you are meant to boost the energy level of your audience. With the passage of time, the camera will become your friend, you may face nervousness in the beginning but the time will create confidence in you.

8.      Number of Videos to be uploaded: It all depends on the status you have on youtube, in case you are a beginner one, it is better to upload a video just after two days and when someone get a reasonable audience, then a new video may be uploaded after an interval of days. It may vary, there is no hard rule but you can have the best decision keeping in view your target audience.

9.     Timing for recording and uploading: Just record the video where is no noise at all. It may be at   10.00 am or 10.00 pm whichever is convenient for you. Upload the video at the time when your target audience must be active. For ladies related videos, upload time should be 9 to 10 am in the morning or 8 to 9 pm in the night. The routine on holidays may be different one.

10. Intro: The must a short intro in the beginning otherwise the viewers may leave the video at once. Just engage the viewers in an interesting way that he/ she is bound to all the video. You are o create the Tempo in your audience to watch the complete video. You may not be able to get the monetization by Google in case you don’t complete the minimum requirements.

11.  End Screen: Use of End Screen is a tool to engage the viewers to continue watching your next video otherwise the viewers will slip away to other channels. Just manage your End Screen by directing the viewers your next interesting videos by placing the thumbnails of those videos.

Apply the End Screen: Check End Screen option in the uploading process.

12. Key Points: Prepare the key points first and then use the during the recording. Just have a look at the key point and explain the same thoroughly to cover up the point. Make sure not to skip any point before the recording stops.

More points to remember:
·        Don’t request others by commenting on other’s videos to subscribe your channel. It loses your channel’s reputation.
·        Do not watch yourself your own videos once uploaded on your laptop/ mobile. It is against the YouTube policy. You can watch your own videos in the gallery section of your mobile or in your laptop’s hard disk.
·        If you have won, the monetization then never watch ads (advertisements) your videos’ on your own machine otherwise the monetization will stop.
·        Never upload videos from other channels, they can send the notice of copy right against you. 

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